A Smart Threat Modeling Tool for Development Teams

Effortlessly Build & Scale Privacy and Secure By Design Programs

Our vast library is based on leading development security & threat modeling frameworks

  • Linddun
  • Stride
  • ASVS

Quickly Build Accurate Threat Models

We’re infusing our platform with AI. This isn’t just another chatbot; it’s intelligence that finds threats in your applications based on the dev’s descriptions. The result? A tool that fills security knowledge gaps, improves accuracy and shortens modeling time.

Learn About AI-Infusion
AI-driven process entity attributes popup box.

Welcome to Simple, Collaborative Threat Modeling

Introducing the modern drawing tool that's user-friendly, customizable, and easy on the eyes. Individuals and teams work together – no matter their location. Devici helps build a scalable threat modeling process for multi-disciplinary and geographically dispersed teams; ensuring everyone can contribute.

Discover Our Simplicity
Simplify the threat modeling process for more efficient threat modeling.

Uncover More Threats & Mitigations

Activate Secure and Privacy by Design tactics with a clear view of all threats and aligned mitigations. Rooted in significant security and privacy frameworks, Devici seamlessly aligns design elements with threats and mitigations. Helping dev teams prioritize and plan remediations in a flash.

Explore Faster Mitigation
Missing threats, means less secured solutions. We make it easy to find and remediate more of them.
How to Threat Model ebook cover

Not sure how to start threat modeling?

Check out our step-by-step guide to starting a threat modeling program. The collaboration of even a small group of individuals can enhance the security of a feature or application's code. Protect applications with secure and privacy-by-design foundations like threat modeling.

Get the Guide

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